Friday, April 23, 2010 do you say "I'm sorry" enough?

My apologies to my readers (even if there is only 1 or 2 LOL). I have been a super BAD blogger. I'm sorry!! Life has been happening and what can I say? I had to deal with it. There has been A LOT going on in my life right now and it's been pretty hectic, crazy, exciting, and tiring to say the least. First mother in law left back to the UK. It was a sad couple of days for me and I cried like the big baby that I am and had to learn a new routine so I did. I have to keep in mind that she will return and we'll go and see her, I just really hate goodbyes.

Okay so then...I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!!! It's a work at home job which is awesome because I never have to leave my house (like I do a lot anyway *rolls eyes*). I just go upstairs to my office, sign on and start working. It can be done. I hear a lot of people say that they wish the could find a job where they can work at home and there really is NO SECRET, you CAN find one if you truly want to!! I work for a company called LiveOps and so far so good. I won't go too much into detail as I'm sure there are some confidentiality rules to it but I can say that it is a great way for a SAHM like myself to earn some real money and never have to leave your kiddies.

I'm very fortunate enough to have met some great women & men on there that have helped me tremendously and are true inspirations. Some earn a little, others earn a lot, it all depends on YOU and what you want for yourself and your family. As of this moment, I'm earning a substantial amount but plan on working more when my son goes to school in August. I work some nights and weekends while my husband can look after Simon and it seems to work well for us. I really wanted to contribute, pay off some debt, save some money for vacations or emergencies and just have something to do and this has really been a God send.

Okay and what more? Well I've been baking my own bread since about March. I bake about two to four loaves a week (sometimes more, sometimes less) and it's been a real money saver. Not to mention the wonderful taste and smell that only homemade bread can bring. I know what the ingredients are and feel great about giving it to my family. I have been dabbling in bread making for about 2 years now and never found a recipe that worked for me. FINALLY, one of my good friends gave me this recipe that kicked ass! *Shout out to Dori!* And since then, no more store bought bread for us. I use my bread machine of course, but I just use that for the dough bit and I roll out the dough when it's finished, and put it in bread pans and bake it. Wanna know this recipe you say? It's Amish White Bread and it's delicious. If you're looking for a way to save some $$, make healthier foods for your family and want something delicious, try this! I do make some very slight modifications so if you want to know just let me know and I can give you my little mods.

Family is all good, the boy is growing every day and is using words I never thought I'd hear him say. Like "Mom, that man is awesome!!". He's really into super heros these days and his birthday is coming up so fast I can't even wrap my head around it. He'll be 4 years old! Where did the time go? I love him more and more each day and can't imagine what life would be like without him to brighten up my life. He's truly a blessing which makes me so glad that we named him after an Apostle.

On a sad note, my dear grandmother Francis is not doing so well. She's had some issues with falling a lot lately and this last fall really took her out. She's a very strong woman and has held on with all her might through congestive heart failure, a blood infection, AND pneumonia. She's doing okay right now but is a bit confused but she's amazing held on tight and still fighting! We keep her in our prayers every night and pray that she pulls through this tough period.

Anyway...I gotta cut my boys hair (another money saver). I've been cutting it since he was a year old but now that he's getting older, I need to brush up on my technique so I'm watching a Youtube video of how to cut hair and I have to say it's pretty cool!

Till next time friends! And I promise I will try not to let next time come sometime in the fall!

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