Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tough week

This week was good and bad. Good because God was gracious enough to give me another birthday and bad because it was a difficult week with my lovely son. Saturday I decide to make some homemade pizza for dinner and Simon wanted to help me so I pulled up a chair to the stove for him to put on the mushrooms. He tasted the homemade marinara and wanted more so I gave him a little bowl of marinara for him to eat and I had to move the chair to take one pizza out and put in another. I didn't want to disturb him so I thought I'd just move him myself. The chair went right and Simon went left and fell directly on his head onto the tile. I get shivers just thinking about that awful sight and sound and of course I picked him up immediately and just cried and cradled him. It was horrific and something I hope never happens again because I felt so bad for him. That night I couldn't sleep well because I was so afraid that there was an underlying problem and I would wake up to find him dead or in a coma and I just had to pray about it. Luckily there's a doctor in the family and he did put my mind at ease but the guilt just ate at me.

Then...on my birthday, yesterday, we had another poo poo incident. He had not poo'd in four days and I could just see he was trying his hardest not to poo. He would dig himself into the sofa just so he wouldn't have an accident and it just broke my heart so...I went and got him some liquid laxative. He is not a good medicine taker so I had to force it down his throat and he freaked out and cried and vomited three times from the gag reflex. Luckily Darren was home so he showered him while I cleaned up vomit and pee (poor baby peed in his pants) and I was so tired of the anger, frustration and guilt I've been feeling about him pooing on the potty!! I spoke to a great friend of mine (Thank you Laura!!) and she helped the both of us come to a decision to just stop tying and let him come to us when he's ready. I cried and told Simon that he can poo in a pull up and it's okay with us. I just wanted this to stop and get him regular again before it really effects him. I'm so happy with that decision because now we all relax. In fact today, I went and got him some cheap pull ups and put them on him and told him to go poo and sure enough, he did!! I just want him to be healthy and not have this as a source of anxiety.

Today has been a good day so far and I'm praying that this week will be one as well. I'm so thankful for everything and everyone in our lives and truly feel blessed.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What's new....

Well this week has been a super productive and busy week. I've been babysitting of course and selling lots of Tupperware. I was able to reach my goal and am getting lots of awesome things in the process so I'm happy. I never thought I'd be in a place in my life where getting a buttload of Tupperware would make me giddy and excited for packages.

Also I found something that is absolutely awesome thanks to a Facebook friend called TweetDeck. It is SO cool because it combines your Twitter, Facebook and Myspace so you can update all three from one platform. I'm really starting to enjoy twitter too and am trying to find something to put on my blog to follow me at twitter.

Okay now to something I'm very concerned about....Swine Flu vaccinations. I know a lot of people are concerned with the H1N1 but honestly, more people die of the regular flu than H1N1 and as of fright now, H1N1's strength is decreasing! I've known a couple of people to have it and from their testimony about it, it's really not that bad. The way it's been shown in the media has been something like..."50% of the world population will be infected with H1N1" Okay, lets replace H1N1 with something like "a cold". Believe it or not, people can die of a cold because it can turn into pneumonia and people with compromised immune systems or people with no health care can die from that. For some reason or another, they are really pushing H1N1 with fear. Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.

I am honestly not scared of my son getting H1N1. I AM scared of the vaccine and if there is a decision to force this vaccine. I know many people think that you can "opt out" of the vaccine, but if there is a statewide mandate pushed through from the Health Department, you CAN be forced into getting this vaccine. First of all, it's just scary that the Health Department has that much power and second, it's scary that they want to vaccinate over something that really isn't as bad as the regular flu. The H1N1 vaccine is loaded with thimerosal which is said to be taken out of immunizations for kids. Yeah, what a great job that is! Look everybody, they're taking it out of our vaccines to make it safe for us!!! Oh and wait, in order for us to be safe we need this H1N1 vaccine (loaded with thimerosal) or else we'll die!!! Somehow that nasty poison finds it's way into our bodies and vaccines. Before you make any decision regarding vaccinations whether it be for regular vaccines for you or your children or the H1N1 for your family, LOOK and READ!! It absolutely amazes me that parents just go blindly to the doctor for many many inoculations yet do not take ONCE glance at the ingredients. I'm not completely against vaccines, if you read and you decide what is best, but education is the key!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Third times a charm...

I've been so busy that I've truly attempted to write this blog THREE times. It's been busy around here and it's amazing that having one more child really does make a little bit more work. Not much but enough to change your routine. I'm babysitting a friends child and really it's been kind of fun having two and a glimpse of perhaps a sibling.

Well it looks as if fall is very near. The weather has turned cooler and all of us in Texas have come out of our heat induced hibernation. It's amazing at how the weather really does have a large impact on your life. It was so hot that we didn't do a thing! We stayed indoors, playing video games, coloring, watching TV or going over numbers and letters. But now those days are over for a bit (hopefully).

So far we've been to the park more in one week than in the past 3 months and even feel like getting out for some activities. It just feels fresh. And to help that feeling, I've put out my fall/Halloween decor complete with Pumpkin mugs! I'll also be putting the Airwick cinnamon/apple air fresheners out in the house and the sugar cookie one in the kitchen. Oh man this makes me so happy!!

Simon. What can I say about my love? He says the funniest stuff to me all the time and I'm trying to absorb it all because I know this his last toddler year. I wish I had a better and smaller camera to capture it all instead of taking my mammoth 2001 digital camera. But at least I'm able to be here with him and get it all. I really feel truly blessed that I am able to be here with him to see his first years. Years I'll never be able to get back and I have to just thank God every day for this opportunity!