Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Denmark....You can keep Oprah!!

As I sit here watching Oprah, she's doing a show regarding "The Happiest People on Earth". According to Oprah, the good people of Denmark don't have to pay for schooling, they have year long maternity leave, they don't have to pay for health care, and if they are laid off, they get up to 90% of their salary paid by the government for up to four years. Sounds good doesn't it? A regular utopia! Eureka even!!

And it gets better....they're the most "environmentally friendly" country where a third of the population rides their bikes which makes them one of the healthiest countries AND babies can actually sleep outside the restaurants while their parents eat!! It's just that safe. Wow...a country where your kids are so safe they can be left out, a country where the government takes care of everything from health care to jobs, what a utopia!!

Oh and something very "insightful" was brought up by this blond, perfect resident of utopia. She said "isn't it funny that we're the happiest country in the world and we're the least religious country in the world?" After her, all of her clones were agreeing with her on how they don't believe in God and there's no higher power. Well why would you believe in a higher power if you're already in Heaven?!? Right then and there was an eye opening moment and something Oprah didn't even touch on.

It just goes to show how "heaven" can actually be hell. Hell is the state or place of total and final separation from God and so of eternal misery and suffering, arrived at by those who die unrepentant in grave sin.

Oprah, Copenhagen chick...y'all can keep your "heaven" and go to hell.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Oh sweet hangover

Yes, I am hungover. Got together with some friends last night and the vodka was going down too smooth. I'm so very blessed that my dear son can entertain himself and doesn't require me 24/7 and the fact that I can trust him not to tear down the house. Unfortunately, I'm a bit too liberal with the Wii on the mornings I wake up this way and before you think I'm a lush, it's maybe once a week (is that too lushy?). AND I make sure he's at home, asleep with his dad so he's in good hands.

Do you ever wake up after a night of drinking and think "what the hell did I say?". I hate that! Along with the flowing drinks, I have a flowing mouth and I don't get too mean, but I do speak my opinion without thinking. Luckily this time I didn't say anything and I didn't drunk text anyone! Oy vey...nothing like waking up seeing the evidence of your drunken haze.

Here are my rantings for the day:

Sarah Silverman....idiot.

Jon & Kate....good riddance!

Sleep....I need more of it!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mom guilt

Well first off, we had the best weekend this past weekend. Going to see Thomas was wonderful (although the ride could have been better!) but just spending that time with the family was a nice thing, especially on a Friday afternoon. I really feel blessed that my husband is self employed and is able to take time of whenever he wants to and he doesn't have to miss out on family activities.

Now...on to mom guilt. I'm watching Dr. Phil and he's got the old debate of working moms vs. stay at home moms and it's such a touchy and difficult subject. On one hand, I do think that the most important job in the world is being a parent and in my opinion it is best to stay at home and raise you children. No one can raise your child better than you can, hands down. No one will love Simon more than me, no one will give him more kisses and hugs and cuddles more than me. It's important to me to have this time and we have given up a tremendous amount in order for me to say home. We've got a nice home, nice car, nice things but it hasn't been without struggle. Yes we have a little bit of debt, we can't go on vacations regularly and there are a lot of things that we miss out on so we don't have to miss out on Simon.

Now...on the other hand. There are just some things that parents MUST do in order to survive and working is one of them. Sometimes parents have to make difficult decisions and sometimes that requires working. That is a sacrifice that some moms have to make in order to make ends meet or to meet a goal or whatever. In no way do I ever think that a mom loves her children less because she's working. In fact, I know a lot of moms who loves their children dearly and work to give them the best of the best and that is what is most important to them. No parent wants their child to want for anything so they're going to sacrifice their time to ensure their children are taken care of and how can you argue with that? How is living in poverty just for the sake of staying at home helping children? It's not!

I don't understand the judgment from either end. Being a parent is difficult enough without judgment and it's important just to support one another no matter the situation. My mom worked 95% of my childhood and I was at a top notch daycare and loved it!! I had an awesome time and I was very blessed my parents were able to afford such a great institution and I have very fond memories of my daycare. If I ever had to work, I would love for Simon to stay at a place like that and you know, it may have been better for me to be in daycare.

To be honest, sometimes kids will get a better mom when she does work! I liken it to breastfeeding. Would we all like to breastfeed and give our kids the best? YES! But...sometimes we're unable to for whatever reason. For me, I lost a lot of blood and my milk never came in. I tried for five weeks to breastfeed. I had women who never even breastfed in their lives tell me how to breastfeed and it never worked. I was made to feel like less of a mom because I couldn't do it and I badgered myself for weeks! My poor baby was hungry and I wasn't enjoying the first few weeks of his life so I said "F them!" and formula fed and I do not regret it one bit. Why? Because although (according to these BF Nazi's) I was giving my child "poison" and didn't "try" enough, he was eating like no ones business, thriving and most importantly, he had a happy and less stressed out mother.

Sometimes moms who work are not working just for money but for mental stability and mental stimulation and when they work, they become better people. The important thing is a happy, well adjusted child and what does it matter how they get there? Working mom, stay at home mom...we all are doing the best that we can and we all need to do what is best for us and our families!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Exciting day

Well today was an awesome day!! I woke up semi hungover but not too bad and had some great friends over for coffee of course. A friend of mine told me about Thomas the Tank Engine coming and I of course wanted to take Simon because he's just a fan. Well I'm so glad I didn't buy the tickets because I WON THEM!!!!!!!!!!

I fell asleep watching TV and the show "We are Austin Live" came on and I saw that they were having a segment on Thomas and there would be a chance to win. I kept watching and they had the number on TV and they were giving away three family four packs to callers number 5,6,7 and I was number 6!!!!!!!!!! God works in such awesome ways because I really didn't want to pay $54 just to go see Thomas but you don't really get chances like this too often and who knows, Simon might not be into Thomas next year so I really wanted to take him and now we can do that without having to pay.

I was bummed though when I learned that Darren might not be able to go, then a couple of friends couldn't go and it kind of burst my bubble, especially because I wanted Darren to go so bad so he could experience this with us. I started feeling really down but then he worked it out to where he can do most of his work tomorrow morning and work this weekend along with the record convention so he can go!! I know he really wanted to go but I understood his position. Making the money is a priority especially being a one income family but I'm so appreciative and grateful that he'll be able to go tomorrow. And to make things even better, some friends of ours will be there tomorrow with their kids!!! I will take a million pics tomorrow and I'm going to wake up early just to get things like food, entertainment and extra clothes since it's a two hour drive to our destination.

Another biggie happened today too!! For a couple of weeks now, we have let Simon poop in his "poo poo pull up" since we had major issues with him pooping and holding it in because he refused to poop on the potty. Well at dinner tonight, he first asked for a poo poo pull up and I told him he needed to wait a bit after dinner so then he said that he's going to poop in the potty and he did it!!!! He went all by himself and he's never done that!!! I'm so glad that we just gave in and let him do it in his own time because none of us were getting anywhere.

So all in all, today ended up really good. I'm so excited that we can all go as a family to see Thomas and cannot wait to see Simon's face. Tonight I'm getting all the camera's together to capture it all.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's October...

Ahhhh....October, one of my favorite months of the year. I'm not sure why because when you think about it, Halloween is kind of morbid, but I guess it's the fact that it's kind of like a new beginning. The summers here are so damn hot you really don't want to do anything and I'm NOT a fan of hot weather. So naturally, when it cools down, I celebrate it. Not only that but I love the colors of orange and black LOL!

So what has this week brought us...we had a decent week of course it was spent with family and my great friends. I really am blessed to have such supportive parents, a great husband and son, and some really good friends. They all made my birthday so special and I appreciate all of it! Especially my friends, they are like family to me...and in some cases, more like family than family! LOL They support me in all I do and I know if I ever needed something, I could call on them and they wouldn't hesitate to help us. That is a very comforting feeling!

Tupperware has been doing great for me! Thanks to my mom and my sister Rosie, I had an awesome turn out from them! In fact they had such a good turn out, I got 3 gifts from Tupperware and I can't wait to receive them! Unfortunately, there are some things on back order which I feel horrible about but it's on one of the more popular items so I hope they understand. I wish TW would give me some indication that there may be a delay but I guess if several orders are put in at once, they won't know about it. Besides, it is coming up to the Holiday season and this particular item is a good item for the Holidays.

My Simon...what can I say about my Simon? I promise I'm not trying to be a bragging parent, but my three year old is adding and subtracting!!! I couldn't believe my ears when I heard him and my husband working out addition and subtraction!! I kind of thought it may be a fluke, but this morning I started doing some basic addition and subtraction and he did it!!! We really need to start considering what we're going to do for him as far as education goes. I would love like a co-op homeschooling kind of thing but like with anything we do with Simon, we really need to look at what is best for him!