Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mommy talk

I had such a great conversation with a friend of mine today about pacifiers. Simon had a pacifier until he was two and a half and that was my breaking point. Well actually my husband had mentioned that it was time and he pointed out that in almost every picture, Simon had a "baba" in his mouth and he was right.

The last time he had his "baba" was November 22, 2007!! I had heard horror stories about babies crying for days on end for their pacifiers and it being hellish. I really didn't want to put Simon through that or go through that myself. In some way, I wanted him to hold on to his baba because that was still a baby part of him and something he'd had from day one. BUT...seeing ALL of his pictures with pacifiers and a fear that his teeth and speech would be affected made me take action.

I wanted to do something that would have a great impact but nothing too harsh. I had heard putting Tobasco on the paci but hell no, I didn't want to do that to him. So what did I do? I put white vinegar on his baba! I had the vinegar in a spray bottle because I clean with it, so I just sprayed the baba and gave it to him. He immediately took it out of his mouth and said "mama it's dirty, go wash it" so I took it to the sink and washed it and sprayed it again (of course without him knowing!) and again he said it was dirty. I told him that's what happens when he gets to be a big boy, that they lose their flavor and get dirty so he had to throw it away. He went to the trash can and threw it away!! Two hours later he was napping with no baba!! That night, I thought we were going to have problems but all he said was "mama, baba dirty?" and I said "yep! Remember baba's get dirty when you're a big boy!" and that was it! No crying, no fussing, no tantrums nothing. If and when we have another baby, I most certainly would do this method again.

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