Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Okay, for anyone who has been following the Real Housewives series, you KNOW how much drama they have! Well right now, I'm following two LOL ( Call me a Housewive Whore) and Holy Estrogen Batman...these chicks will fight and argue over ANYTHING!! I swear a chicken wouldn't walk on all those eggshells they've got set up!

I don't think I could ever live like that and have those "friends". Seriously, this is why I enjoy having the friends I do, because you don't have to walk on eggshells or be scared every little thing is gonna piss them off and you certainly don't have to be worried they're gonna call you out in front of a crowd! LOL Oy vey....for some reason Jill Zarin comes to mind. I'm happy in my little middle class neighborhood and yes it sucks to not be able to spend $20,000 on a shopping spree but I'd take Target any day over Saks if it means I can have real friends and real relationships!

I started posting something about this yesterday but had to promptly shut down my computer because of some nasty storms we got. I found a JOB!! Like a JOB JOB, like one where I'm hired and stuff! I still have my gig with LiveOps but I found one with more stable income and I'm so excited! I'm telling anyone who will listen!! WWW.WOMENFORHIRE.COM is awesome!! They have a lot of legitimate work at home jobs and some have small fees but none will ask you to give a considerable amount of money (to me, a considerable amount is over $100) and I have found great success with them. I'm always hearing women talk about how they'd love a work at home job and then nothing happens...well you can work at home if you don't look!!! Anyway...I'm off to make my coffee, my day is just getting started and I foresee Sams Wholesale Club in my future.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Life in general

I was in such a slump the last few weeks and I am slowly forcing my way out of it. I'm really not meant to stay indoors for a long period of time, so this is unusual for me. A few great things that came out of this is I have been cooking like a champ, which my husband is super happy of and I've also been able to work some (although not enough) but now I'm ready to venture out in the the world of the living!

I have Simon's fourth birthday coming up next week which should be fun. My whole family is coming in to celebrate with us and of course we'll have a fabulous cake made from our own cake baker. I have to be honest, I'm not much of a child's party planner. I tend to forget things and someone always has to pick up my slack, but not this year! This year I'm making it simple and orchestrated. My husband and I agreed on a date ahead of time and agreed on the menu. What's on the menu? Hot Dogs, Chips, and cake. That's it. I'm slowly learning the people don't always judge you and what you give them, they'll likely accept and with pleasure! I know if I were to go to a party (and I have) with just hot dots and potato chips, I've been as happy as a clam and so has Simon!! So why in the world in my mind, do I feel the need to have a buffet of food and then I get so overwhelmed I do nothing?!? Not this year, I'm finally realizing that it's okay to have something simple yet delicious and that the parties are for the kiddos and to stop being so self conscious! It's a party, a celebration and I'm sure people will just have fun when their kiddos are having fun ;o) And the cake...ahh the cake. That is surly the piece de resistance! I'll be sure to post a picture of this masterpiece before it's completely devoured.

So what's in store for today? Making a traditional English roast. Roast beef, steamed brussell sprouts, carrots, peas and zuccini with roast potatoes and Yorkshire pudding and for dessert? Custard pie!! My family will certainly be happy as will I!

Other than that, I'm gonna lay low. I went out with some friends last night to just have a couple of beers and relax. It was REALLY nice to be able to go somewhere that wasn't a grocery store or run errands and it was especially good not to have to worry about anyone but yourself. I LOVE being a mom but sometimes you just need those down time with friends that you can just hang with and not have to worry about stepping on toes or pissing off.