As I sit here watching Oprah, she's doing a show regarding "The Happiest People on Earth". According to Oprah, the good people of Denmark don't have to pay for schooling, they have year long maternity leave, they don't have to pay for health care, and if they are laid off, they get up to 90% of their salary paid by the government for up to four years. Sounds good doesn't it? A regular utopia! Eureka even!!
And it gets better....they're the most "environmentally friendly" country where a third of the population rides their bikes which makes them one of the healthiest countries AND babies can actually sleep outside the restaurants while their parents eat!! It's just that safe. Wow...a country where your kids are so safe they can be left out, a country where the government takes care of everything from health care to jobs, what a utopia!!
Oh and something very "insightful" was brought up by this blond, perfect resident of utopia. She said "isn't it funny that we're the happiest country in the world and we're the least religious country in the world?" After her, all of her clones were agreeing with her on how they don't believe in God and there's no higher power. Well why would you believe in a higher power if you're already in Heaven?!? Right then and there was an eye opening moment and something Oprah didn't even touch on.
It just goes to show how "heaven" can actually be hell. Hell is the state or place of total and final separation from God and so of eternal misery and suffering, arrived at by those who die unrepentant in grave sin.
Oprah, Copenhagen chick...y'all can keep your "heaven" and go to hell.
And it gets better....they're the most "environmentally friendly" country where a third of the population rides their bikes which makes them one of the healthiest countries AND babies can actually sleep outside the restaurants while their parents eat!! It's just that safe. Wow...a country where your kids are so safe they can be left out, a country where the government takes care of everything from health care to jobs, what a utopia!!
Oh and something very "insightful" was brought up by this blond, perfect resident of utopia. She said "isn't it funny that we're the happiest country in the world and we're the least religious country in the world?" After her, all of her clones were agreeing with her on how they don't believe in God and there's no higher power. Well why would you believe in a higher power if you're already in Heaven?!? Right then and there was an eye opening moment and something Oprah didn't even touch on.
It just goes to show how "heaven" can actually be hell. Hell is the state or place of total and final separation from God and so of eternal misery and suffering, arrived at by those who die unrepentant in grave sin.
Oprah, Copenhagen chick...y'all can keep your "heaven" and go to hell.